Wednesday, April 26, 2006

10 Things...

......I'll Miss About Thailand

1) Thai Food - I love it. All of it.
2) Beaches - White sand, blue and turquoise water, sunny hot weather...definitely will miss it.
3) Being tan
4) Really weird bugs. There are cicadas here ... at sunrise and sunset, they make crazy loud loud that you can't even really hold a conversation if you're outside. I like them.
5) Geckos - They're everywhere here. There's one in my room right now, in fact. I've named him Gerry. I actually saw a mother gecko in Koh Tao - it was laying it's eggs in a rafter. They also make these really weird sounds like they're saying "Geck-ooooooooo". Neat little buggers.
6) Smiling people who don't get angry in traffic.
7) Lemon shakes and fresh fruit.
8) Cheap transportation - 20 mile cab rides for $2, cross country flights for $30.
9) Being temporarily unemployed and in vacation mode.
10) Thai radio (ok, totally kidding, but if you've heard Thai radio, you know how funny that is)

...I'm looking forward to back at home
1) Sheets on my bed. In 90% of the places I've stayed here, there are no sheets or blankets.
2) Toilet paper and real toilets. I know, you don't need details, but such a small thing truly is a luxury.
3) Driving my own car.
3a) Driving on the right side of the road.
4) Talking to my family and friends.
5) Speaking English instead of in sign language.
6) Hot water showers
7) Cooking
8) Clean clothes
9) Drinking water out of the tap.
10) Eating pizza, drinking wine, and knowing every ingredient in the food that I'm eating.

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