Saturday, April 1, 2006

A Lazy Bangkok Afternoon

Wendy Guesthouse, Bangkok, 1:40pm Sunday

10 Things I've learned in Bangkok:

1) Applying sunscreen and then spending 20 minutes in 90+ degree heat and unbelievable humidity is almost like not applying sunscreen at all.
2)Sunburn + 17 kilo backpack = no fun
2a)17 kilos is too much. Not sure if the Thai staff at the Wendy Guesthouse will enjoy the tshirts and other various items I've left behind; however, I know I will enjoy my lighter backpack.
3) Thai traditional massage is much more painful than Western massage. Yes, it is only $10 for an hour; however, that is $10 worth of pain and suffering - damn that little Thai lady is STRONG! My neck crick is gone because of it though...and, in retrospect, it was quite refreshing. Also, see number 1a above, but subsitute 'Thai massage" for '17 kilo backpack''.
3a) Guesthouse bed = neck crick
4) Tuk tuk drivers are some of the most annoying people of all time; however, they forced me to start talking to the English speaker next to me, which scored me a day companion through what feels like all of the Wats (temples) in BKK.
5) Heaven is sharing a couple of tall Singha beers next to the Chao Praya river on a 90 degree day and having conversations about the differences between Montana and London with someone you've known for less than 2 hours.
5a) The River Bar (on the banks of said river) is not open for lunch. Consult guide book that clearly states open at 5pm before adding the extra 5 stops to your journey.
5b) A Singha beer and random conversation are definitely worth the extra 5 stops.
5c) Singha beer isn't sold on Sundays.
6) Chatuckuck Market is like all the Pier 1s of the world combined. Only better, and serving more Thai food.
6a) Chances of running into random traveling companion from yesterday at Chatuchuck Market: 1 in a million (literally). Luck's in my favor, apparently...
7) Ko Shan road, although famous, is some sort of traveler's hell. So many backpacks, dreadlocks, and grumpy tourists all packed into a couple block area. One meander through is enough for me! 8) In Thailand, "spicy noodle" really means spicy noodle.
9) There are definite advantages to being almost 6 feet tall in a sea of little people.
9a) There are definite disadvantages to being almost 6 feet tall in a sea of little people.
10) Will be glad to get out of the mayhem and noise of the city this evening...excited for what's around the next corner! Taking a night train to Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, and hoping to set out on a trek of the hills of Thailand. I'll keep you all posted.

Until next time ...
Cheers -

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